An academic conference on management with a proven track record
About academic conference on management and economics
The 13th edition of the International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting (OMEACONF) is coming to Dublin on the 25 – 27 July 2025. There are so many reasons you should attend, but here are just a few. It’s a perfect setting to meet fellow members of academia, researchers, and scholars and learn in an engaging environment. You get to learn about the latest breakthroughs in the industry from a carefully selected board of speakers. Finally, you will have a chance to visit all the beautiful sights of historically rich Dublin by joining a free tour. See you in Dublin, Republic of Ireland!
Most Deadlines to remember are as follows
Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 07 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.
04 July 2025
Abstract Submission
18 February 2025
Early Bird Registration
15 April 2025
Early Registration
15 July 2025
Late Registration
25 – 27 July 2025
Memories from the OMEACONF series conferences
In the history of the OMEACONF series, the conferences have been held in 8 different countries. The previous series of OMEACONF was held in France (Paris), Belgium (Brussels), Italy (Milan), Germany (Berlin), Italy (Rome), Switzerland (Geneva), Iran (Tehran) and Norway (Oslo). With the overwhelming support and acknowledgment from all the delegates of OMEACONF, we wish to pioneer a way to another outstanding academic conference on management.
We proudly present the 13th edition of this leading international conference on management
Conference Topics
The conference is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics:
MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS, FINANCE,ECONOMICS and ACCOUNTING. Other related topics will also be considered.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review. Detailed instructions and full paper submission guidelines will be emailed within a few weeks following the conference.
Don't look for any other management conferences.
OMEACONF 2025 is the place to be!
Be an oral presenter of the academic conference on management and economics and present your research to a truly international audience. Presentation slots are limited, so early submission is strongly encouraged. Send your abstract today.
Send your research paper to be a poster presenter at the international conference on management and show your research work to the audience throughout the conference day.
All accepted research papers will be published and indexed in the conference proceedings. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings book with ISBN.
Attending in academic conference on management and economics will provide an opportunity to network and share thoughts on recent advances with other academics and experts in the same or similar fields.
If you can’t attend the academic conference on management and economics in person but want to share your research with our international community, join as a virtual presenter.
The Organizing Committee will offer all participants a city tour free of charge, so they can learn about Dublin’s vibrant past and present with a friendly local guide.
More than an Economics conference, We build networks.
One Day City Tour Free of Charge
Republic of Ireland’s capital needs no introduction and for many visitors to Ireland, Dublin is the number one destination. Dublin has history, charm, sights, museums, galleries, theatres, shops, pubs, restaurants, and an abundance of character. Dublin was voted Europe’s fourth most popular city break destination and is one of the friendliest capital cities in the world. Like its people, Ireland’s weather is never boring or predictable, the climate can be summed up as being mild, moist, and changeable with abundant rainfall and a lack of temperature extremes. You can experience all four seasons in one day. Dublin City is Ireland’s cultural capital. With the influx of international company headquarters, as well as an attractive quality of life, families and ex-pats from all corners are settling here, and in most cases, they’ll find they’re very welcome. The universities of Dublin have the best reputation and are known for delivering excellent education to international and local students, So, every year Dublin host several sciences event & conferences which turns this city into one of the best places for gathering researchers & scholars to share their knowledge & experiences.
We would also like to offer the participants a one-day city tour free of charge. Great chance for participants to mingle around as well as appreciate the city of Dublin famous for its vibrant culture, architecture, Art scenes and excellent cuisines.
We look forward to seeing you all on July, 25-27 in lively Dublin.
Plagiarism Policy & Publication Ethics
The 13th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All articles submitted to the academic conference on management, first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link:
Publication opportunities available at this prestigious conference on management and economics
Academic management and economics conference Proceedings and Publication
The Abstracts of all accepted & registered papers will be published in the Conference Abstract Book with ISBN Number. Full papers will have publication opportunities in various Indexed International Journals, including SCOPUS, Web of Science, DOAJ, and many more, or as a Book Chapter.
- Each Paper will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref.
- The abstract book/proceedings shall be submitted to Google Scholar for Indexing.
- The Conference Proceedings will be published with the ISBN Number.
- All registered papers have publication opportunities in various indexed international journals.
Join hundreds of academics from around the world at the must-attend economic conference of the year
This academic conference cover all topics are related Management, Economics & Accounting